East Daley Analytics – Dissecting the Energy Value Chain

The deeper the insights, the more assured the forecasts

Staying on top of the competitive, volatile market for natural gas liquids — from anticipating price movements and potential supply shortages to optimizing trading and investment opportunities or production processes to seizing opportunities as they arise — rests on the confidence you have in your NGL market forecasts.

Catch the shifts in the NGL market your competitors won’t see coming with East Daley’s Purity Product Forecast.

See deeper into the future of natural gas liquids

Our Purity Product Forecast provides granularity like you’ve never seen before into the supply of NGL purity products by basin across North America. We reconcile our own supply estimates with PADD and sub-PADD refining districts to help you delve into the most minute details of each NGL purity product market and see market supply shifts and new opportunities ahead of the competition.

Make More Precise Predictions

Drive Informed Decision-Making

Leverage Market Insight

Take Full Advantage of Purity Product Forecasts By Basin

Understand Regional Differences in Demand for Natural Gas Liquids

NGL purity product demand can vary significantly by region. Our Purity Product Forecast empowers traders, investors and midstream producers to effective assess the supply and demand and tailor their strategies for specific geographic NGL markets.

Manage Investment Risk with Full NGL Market Transparency

Investors and traders can take full advantage of detailed and accurate purity product supply data to anticipate price movements and identify trading opportunities, maximizing ROI and mitigating the risks of their NGL market strategies.

Optimize Investment and Supply Chain Decision-Making

Midstream producers can allocate resources more effectively and optimize supply chain operations for purity products based on a deep understanding and reliable predictions of the expected purity requirements of downstream NGL customers.

Discover Growth Opportunities and Move into New Markets

A basin-by-basin review of emerging trends in purity product supply helps you confidently assess the feasibility and potential profitability of entering and expanding into new markets by identifying potential opportunities and risks in unfamiliar regions.

Gain the competitive edge in high-purity natural gas liquids you’ve been searching for.

Get the Data

Gain insights you won’t find anywhere else

East Daley Analytics uses proprietary data models built from the ground up from multiple sources, including the US Energy Information Administration’s PADD and sub-PADD refining districts, to provide a unique look into the market for NGL purity products.

We place the details other NGL analytics companies might miss right at your fingertips.


What makes East Daley’s Crude Oil insights so unique?


Pipelines across FERC Form 6


Pipelines across our Crude Hub Model


Terminals in our Crude Hub Model


Estimated 2023 EBITDA


Filter data your way

Our Purity Product Forecast reports provide a visually dynamic, easy-to-navigate representation of our proprietary natural gas liquids data model for you to explore, helping you get to the heart of the matter, find the information you need, and make more informed decisions even on tight timetables.

Combine discrete purity product supply histories and forecasts into an easily accessible package.

Connect the dots in your data

The Purity Product Forecast allows you to dig deeper than the EIA’s reports for ethane, propane, butane, and other high-purity natural gas liquids, empowering you to see the relationship between purity product supply and demand like never before and make the best decisions for your business.

Prepare for supply waves before they hit the shore.


Explore purity products in the natural gas liquids market with confidence

Get the Purity Product Forecast
