East Daley Analytics – Dissecting the Energy Value Chain

Flaring, Methane, and the Cost of Looming Permian Gas Takeaway Constraints Report

When oil prices recovered post-pandemic, Permian production growth nonetheless fell well short of the 2018-2019 pace, as operators prioritized capital discipline, returning more of their cash flows to shareholders and putting less to the drill bit. This slower production growth, combined with the in-service of major long-haul gas pipeline projects, kept Permian flaring in check. But in East Daley Analytics’ view, current rig counts signal a pace of production growth that would periodically exceed gas takeaway capacity through 2026.

Download the full report from Validere and East Daley Analytics

Flaring, Methane, and the Cost of Looming Permian Gas Takeaway Constraints Report

The report covers:

  • Production, pipelines, processing, and flaring expectations in the Permian through 2026
  • Methane emissions risks as gas bottlenecks drive increased flaring
  • How operators can catch flaring issues and methane risks before third parties do
Download Report

Meet the Companies

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About East Daley Analytics

East Daley Analytics specializes in identifying, understanding, and monitoring operational risk at the asset level and how that translates to financial risk.

We have built the largest US energy asset database to help identify which are most important and isolate their operational value. We can help with the heavy lifting by providing access to capital and commodity market experts through reports and data sets and consulting services.

East Daley's Energy Data Studio is the platform to visually analyze and navigate the energy value chain. Users can now view historical and updated data on our Energy Data Studio platform, providing unmatched data functionality and visuals for easy analytics.

About Validere

Validere is a measurement, reporting, and verification (MRV) SaaS company that helps energy organizations transform disconnected, incomplete data into clear and immediately actionable pathways to financial and environmental value.

Over 50 of North America’s leading energy companies rely on Validere’s technology and multidisciplinary experts to understand their physical and environmental commodities and navigate an increasingly complex environment with clarity and ease.

Validere is on a mission to better human prosperity by making the energy supply chain efficient and sustainable. The company has offices in Houston, Calgary, and Toronto.


Download the full report from Validere and East Daley Analytics

Flaring, Methane, and the Cost of Looming Permian Gas Takeaway Constraints Report


Download Report

Emissions critical: Flaring, methane, and the cost of looming Permian gas midstream constraints webinar


Register for the webinar on Wednesday, June 14th at 11:00 AM CT

Validere and East Daley Analytics will cover:

  • Production, pipelines, processing, and flaring expectations in the Permian through 2026
  • Methane emissions risks as gas bottlenecks drive increased flaring
  • How operators can manage flares and methane risks before third-party aerial measurements reveal problems

Meet the Authors


Justin Carlson is a Founder and Chief Commercial Officer of East Daley Analytics, a data and research company focused on commercial analytics of energy infrastructure through extensive energy value chain analysis to connect the molecules to the money.  His addiction to creative outlets combined with his engineering background has made the oil and gas markets a fruitful sector for him to explore over the last 15 years working as a data analyst, consultant, and entrepreneur.  Over his career, he has led numerous transformational market studies and led the development of hundreds of customized analyses regarding asset acquisitions, strategic planning, development projects, and other market events in the oil, gas, and natural gas liquids sectors. His work experience includes roles at Accenture, Bentek Energy, Platts, and S&P. 


Jen Snyder has 20 years of experience leading teams analyzing North American and Global gas markets in a broad energy context. A graduate of MIT with a BS in Economics, she served as Managing Director at Enverus, leading midstream and markets coverage. At Wood Mackenzie she served as Senior Vice President, North American Energy, where she founded and led the North American gas practice and contributed to expansion into global gas markets and cross-commodity coverage.


Amber McCullagh has more than a decade of experience in building and directing gas markets and midstream research. Prior to Validere, she served as a Director at Enverus, where she led development of midstream and Northeast gas markets research and contributed to North American supply, demand, LNG, and price outlooks. A graduate of Rice University with a BA in Mathematical Economics, she is also the former Director, North America Gas and LNG, at Wood Mackenzie.

Erin Tullos focuses on leveraging operational data to develop ESG relevant insights, with 16 years of industry experience in environmental research, on regulatory advocacy and compliance, and as an environmental advisor. She is also a Visiting Research Fellow at the University of Texas at Austin, researching methane emissions and mitigation and a Consultant to the United Nations on OGMP 2.0.


Flaring, methane, and the cost of looming Permian gas takeaway constraints Webinar

Register for the webinar on Wednesday, June 14th at 11:00 AM CT

    In recent years, slower production growth in the Permian along with the in-service of major gas pipeline projects, has kept flaring in check.
    However, current rig counts signal a pace of production growth that would at times exceed gas takeaway capacity in the coming years. Ongoing gas takeaway expansion projects and a new pipeline won’t come soon enough to avoid a step-up in flaring, a sharper deceleration in supply growth, or a combination of both.

On June 14, industry experts from Validere and East Daley Analytics will take a deep dive into:

    Production, pipelines, processing, and flaring expectations in the Permian through 2026
    Methane emissions risks as gas bottlenecks drive increased flaring
    How operators can manage flares and methane risks before third-party aerial measurements reveal problems

Webinar Sign Up